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Old 31-01-2010, 04:48 PM   #13
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His twin... OMG scary!!!! lol...

I don't think the world could cope with two people like him... gosh now im scared!!!!!! eeek!

lovely dog btw..there was a poor young boy weimeraner in town the other day frozen and shaking... felt so sorry for him!!! I also saw a longhaired one lol.... very um strange!!

I love curly coated retrievers and seriously thinking about having another dog before I go insane talking to pot plants .. but am going to think on it for a year as huge commitment for me.
But need a companion of some kind I think.

I used to kennel maid for a while looking after guard dogs and such like..I used to walk massive rotties but left as I did not like the way they where being trained to be aggressive .. was heartbreaking seeing the dogs I had walked and played with as pups and young adults being turned into snarling status symbols .. I left in disgust and had a quiet word about it... nuff said.
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