Thread: He11cats M600
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Old 27-12-2009, 02:03 PM   #18
Posts: n/a
If you are starting a fresh the try and get some barcoat (trade name) to use after the primer. You only need one coat and their is no need to rub it down. This will stop any reaction from underneath.

Regards the pearl. If the paintwork was 18 months old then it should have been good for life. Brake fluid as a cause i doubt as it would have gone straight down to the plastic. It is possible (and i have seen this happen) that if what appers to be perfect paintwork or laquer when first applied is not done at the right time intervals months or even years later it can if chipped or scratched start to come off. It starts small and gets worse and worse until great sheets of the finish come off.
Saw it happen on a 12 month old Triumph 675 when the mechanic where i used to work was a bit impatient taking the tank protector off.

Better if i could have seen it close up but damn sure it did'nt do it with out some help.
Alas you will probably never know.
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