Thread: He11cats M600
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Old 27-12-2009, 07:31 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
But got the right stuff for the job... my laquer was faulty.. apparently lots been returned!!

What was wrong with the laquer?

I was a vehicle painter for 22 years and never heard of lacuer being faulty. If you use acrylic based primer, basecoat and laquer you should have no problem. You will still have to be careful around any repairs as the solevent is very aggresive and will still wrinkle up if you apply to much to soon. You can get some barrier coat primer which stops this.

Also if you have used a 2k laquer and then apply acrylic basecoat over the top it will react like like paint stripper.

If you need any advice please ask.
Gonna be posting some pics soon on DIY airbrushing.

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