Thread: Saying Hello
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Old 22-08-2009, 12:17 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
Love the noise myself... ive worked my way through a lot of bikes ...would never touch a Tractor again..yawn yawn...
Monster is loads different then my inline 4 (of course lol).. but its kinda laid back and lazy... actually was hoping be a little noisier!
Things like R1's dont do anything for me always had something odd... quirky or plain daft.
Id say the monster has its own song too but its a nice happy one..mine will be when the wee beasts fixed!
Mines got bog standard cans on til I can sell my kidney!.. but even then it had a nice sound through the underpass..
My greybike I have to say does put a grin on my face as well as its like a dragbike and upsets the R1 sorts...they called it a nasty 80's throwback the other week... ..its not that old!!. oh pre haps they meant me!!
You will find out soon enough.. if your a speed freak then id say no.... but if you want to get somewhere in style and comfort and have something with a difference then cool!
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