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Old 21-05-2009, 08:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by gary tompkins View Post
I personally value my hearing as much as my eyesight and other senses

There are strict health and safety limits (at work) on exposure to noise, making it mandatory to wear ear defender/plugs in many locations. It's now medically proven that long term exposure to loud noise wrecks your hearing permanently, and by excessive we are only talking 80db+.

By all means ride unplugged if you wish, but don't complain if you have to wear hearing aids or learn to lip read in later life. My Stepfather has acute industrial deafness caused by years of working (unprotected) for the paper mills, and it's not a huge barrel of laughs for him now.
Its all about taking things in moderation and being sensible, you can enjoy the sound of an exhaust that's open with some hearing protection and not put your health in danger, i also like the bonus of knowing other road users and pedestrians can hear as well as see me (yellow monster lights on white lid).

reduced hearing is an awful disability, i know health and safety gets some stick but a lot of lads in their 40`s 50`s 60`s from the construction industry would gladly turn back the clock.
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