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Old 08-02-2009, 09:27 PM   #1
Duke Konan
Posts: n/a
Clutch fluid issues


My relatively new monster S2R slipped off the stand while parked on a hill yesterday (DUH...yeah I feel stupid). All seem fine other than scratch bar end and brake lever until I dropped my glove this morning, bent down to pick it up and noticed that the window near the clutch slave cylinder was devoid of any liquid! I then looked at the reservoir and couldn't see any fluid in there either.

Could it be that the fall has caused it to leak? I have found what appears to be a leak just above the cat where the two halves of the block that the engine sits on joins.

In terms of symptoms, the bike is a little more jumpy when cold but rides absolutely fine after a few minutes. Clutch isn't dragging, gears are engaging pretty much as normal from what I can tell. I did smell a slight burning smell once or twice today.

Could the fall have jarred something and caused the fluid to leak? Also, what are the effects of riding like this? Is it ok to ride a bike a few miles to the mechanic or should I have it collected in a van?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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