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Old 15-09-2008, 10:35 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

Thanks to all the Knight Roadrace Team for a wonderful weekend of top class racing.
The weather was brilliant and the atmosphere even more brilliant.
I didn't do very much at all, other than take a few pics and get some footage of the last race, plus Rob was doing a sterling job, so seeing as he has worked with the team before, i though that i would keep out of the way unless asked, too many cooks and all that.
I've done my fair share of motorcycle sports over the years, although never road racing, mainly drag racing, enduro's, motorcross and trials riding.
So, as Charlotte has already mentioned, Clint had a great weekend and poor old Paul had a somewhat painful one.
I popped in to see Paul at the hospital on Sunday morning, before i went back to the track, the hospital is about two miles from where i live.
He certainly wasn't in the mood for Choccies and flowers, or my strange sense of humour, not the best situation to be cracking (sic) jokes, so i had an hour with him and then made my way back to the circuit.
The sight of Charlotte bombing around the paddock on a mountain bike, fag in gob, shall be a sight i shall long remember.
Rob was his usual efficient self and a real gent, it was nice to meet some of the members at last, pity a few more couldn't have attended, it would have been a good weekender but maybe next time.
Thanks again to Charlotte and Alan, Clint and Paul (bones), for a most excellent weekend. xx and x!

(I'm having problems posting the pics in the gallery, so if i don't get anywhere with it by this afternoon, i'll put the links on this page).
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