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Old 13-08-2008, 11:16 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by YellaMonsta View Post
I am so glad i bought a Ducati. Its a so bloomin cool.
As a new Ducati owner, you seem very restrained in your appreciation of the marque!
What you should be saying is "they are sooo feckin' cool", let yourself go a bit, we don't mind.
Since i bought mine in April, i've started to notice the more "mature" fella's seem to be showing the most interest in it.
I came out of Tesco's last Saturday and there were three blokes checking the bike out, two of them had walked off before i got there but the other one was most interested in the monnie, "cool bike" he said.
Seemed that he had a Laverda Montjuic in his garage, that he hadn't ridden for a few years.
Anyway, within ten minutes he was seriously thinking about putting the Laverda up for sale and getting a Ducati, especially when i mentioned that up to a dozen of us usually have a raz up the mountains to Betwys y Coed most Sundays and that he would be most welcome to join us.
You just stand back now`n then and see who shows the most interest in your bike, it's just a bit of fun.
Welcome Yella!
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