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Old 07-08-2008, 06:38 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
Well, I finally got one!!

Well after owning a pair of Oakley Ducati Corsa sunglasses for the last three years I finally got a bike to go with '08 696+ (2nd hand but with only 300 miles on the clock).

I have been away from bikes for almost 25 years, but renewed my aquaintance with two wheels some weeks ago when I took the plunge and bought a 2nd hand 600 Hornet which I loved..bit mad though! Last week I took my young daughter out for her first pillion ride (she loved it) and we ended up in a big bike store in the next town from me. I had wanted to buy a pair of short boots and their website said they had some sale items.
When we arrived I was like a kiddiie in a toyshop....Buels, Harleys and........Ducatis.
After I bought some boots I spied a 696 outside that had a very low seat (I am the owner of a pair of shortish legs), I found a salesman...suprisingly they did not approach me..and asked if I could have a 'sit-on'. I asked him the price and he told me the new price and that they also had a 2nd hand model that was only a month old (guy decided to have a Harley instead). Can I have test ride I asked, and that was it...I was smitten.
SOooooooooooo different to the Honda, thud, thud and you are doing 40. Wierd but wonderful. I had to have this bike, well the 2nd hand one.
So after losing a small fortune on my little Hornet in the p/ex deal (I am an idiot because I should have done a private sale and bought a 696 later) but I REALLY did want THIS bike with it's aftermarket carbon pipes.

Anyway, deal done and I am now the proud owner of a one month old 696 with a VERY noisy pipe set. I will also get the standard pipes when the guy brings them in, together with the exhaust protectors for pillion use.
Talking of pillion use, does anyone with 'Little Monsters' do much of the two up stuff. My wife, not a real motorcyle lover, says that she is NOT looking forward to perching on that tiny bit of real estate behind me. She was ok on the Hornet.

Anyway, like always I've let my fingers run away with me, suffice to say that I am a very happy chap at the moment......I can put my feet on the ground and I could afford it....Just!!!


Last edited by MikeM; 07-08-2008 at 08:28 AM..
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