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Old 03-08-2008, 05:52 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Arrow Looking for Sorted 620i or similar


I'm a lapsed member and ex M900 owner (on a Superduke now - sorry - at least it's a European large capacity streetfighter V twin) but knowing what a great and iconic bike the Monster is, I'm looking for a well sorted 620i or similar for my girlfriend.

I know exactly what she's want in an ideal world:

Highrise carbon cans, twin discs, black bodywork with bikini fairing and rear cowl, tailtidy... she's a bling kinda girl.

I will keep an eye on the for sale section for this kinda spec, or similar/better, but previous experience buying on forums has shown me it's often worth a post in general.

An 800 or 900+ are not out of the question, it's more a question of keeping the insurance down as she's only had her bike test for a little over a year - although she's been hooning about on an insane Husky 450SMR for the last 12 months so handling a bike with a superb power to weight ratio is no issue (120kg and 52bhp anyone?)...


Last edited by Dutch; 03-08-2008 at 06:32 PM..
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