Thread: Reading Road
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Old 31-07-2007, 09:49 PM   #7
Chris & Nean
Posts: n/a
My dad was in his prime and a young man way back in the 1950’s when I was just a child, I know he rode the ‘Henley to Reading’ road many times as he trekked back and forth between his home town of Crowborough in Sussex and the place he finally settled in up here in the midlands after WW2. As dad trundled back and forth between his extended family in Sussex and his new life up here in the midlands he would have rode all kinds of machines (I think) and all of them were probably vertical twins and made here in the UK. Latter in his life he covered the same rout with me as pillion on his bikes, and as a young boy riding pillion on my dad’s Honda C90 this was my initiation to motorcycling, dad gave me this bike on my 17 B Day, later I had the joy of driving along the “Henley to Reading road” many times myself in all kinds of different machinery from a Reliant Regal van (dell boy) to Ford Pop side valve that threw a rod yet went 10 miles with three rods and pistons connected and shook the car too bits before it finally expired, I remember many more delightful roads to be followed before I finally reached dads roots deep in Ashdown forest! roads like the one from Wokingham to Camberley and the one from Guilford to Reigate.
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