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Old 17-05-2007, 02:10 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lady-Bob View Post
Sadly 'tis my room.

Extra-ordinarily skint right now.

Had long time off work recently and only got stat. sick pay. Strumpet also was ill and only got stat. sick pay.

Some b*stard in Norway has cloned our credit card and has so far taken out £4000 from our account. (which would have come in handy right now!).

Consequently we will be struggling for the next month or so (to say the least) so something had to give.

Sorry peeps

So help me out someone..... £100 for the weekend incl food is a BARGAIN. Logyks interested but needs someone to share... anyone know of anyone?
Dont worry Bob. We can be the sad acts who arent going, but we can log on to the site over the weekend and post.

Sorry to hear some scumbag is diddling your finances. Hope it all get sorted soon. You dont that sorta ****e