Thread: Bike Meet
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Old 06-05-2007, 09:49 PM   #4
Pegleg Pete
Posts: n/a
Hi Cyril Wilkommen.

I usually find that between looking in the rideouts sections of this site, The DSC (Ducati Sporting Club) , and Ducatisti like Zimbo said, there is quite a lot going on. The big meets are usually very well laid out in a similar format on all the sites, and the more local meets pop up in general conversation. Thats mostly just a case of dropping by regularly and having a good nose around - I have also learnt a lot about my bike in this way and have met some really cool people very quickly. Another approach is thinking up something other people might want to do and posting it and seeing if you get any takers to join you. Hasn't worked for me so far but I still think its a good idea...

See you around hopefully

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