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Old 01-09-2006, 04:36 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Chappers
Hi Alexis,

It was me who rugby tackled you to the floor and shoved a UKMOC in your pocket at the Ace (didn't really rugby tackle him bu might as well of)!

I'm Hayley (Chappers), I dragged you over to meet Norm (Stormie) and his wife Christine whilst you stood there in your jumper on a really nice hot sunny day

There's a member on here called JMo who would gladly help you with the tailchop I was going on about and I believe she is local to you.

Remember to keep your eye out on here for the Brighton Run info so you can hook up with some local members

See you at Silverstone next month
yes u did rugby tackle me... hahahahahah!!!! I guess I was to noisy with my exhaust so someone had to blame me...

I told you I would forget names (I'm **** doing this, quite the opposite remembering faces) I was wondering when u would answer....

Yeap I still wear my jumper, (for spanish people that was february weather...) it is weird here I know, for me summer day is around 40s

Yeap I guess I'll see you at Silverstone at the BSB. Im meeting some other people there

What is the maximum size for the attached pictures?? I cannot enclose any of the famous weekend in brands hatch last year, or the Ducati 889

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