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Old 10-07-2006, 08:53 AM   #9
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Zimbo
Incidently, if anyone on here is seriously considering giving Desmodue a go next year, many of us have indicated support for an "adopt a racer" scheme, which basically means you attach yourself to a rider or team for a meeting or two and experience the whole thing - get there the night before, camp over in the paddock, help prep the bike, attend scrutineering and signing on, lend a hand in general bike prep / fueling etc, collect timing sheets, help with paddock stands, just generally muck in and see it all from the racer's perspective rather than as a spectator, and find out just exactly what is involved. It'll cost you nothing at all, apart from perhaps a tenner to get in if there isn't a spare ticket available (and there often is) and you'll gain a much better understanding of what is involved, and get to meet many of the competitors. If this sounds like you, let me know and I'll pass it on to the club so you can be paired up with whoever is short of help. Our remaining rounds are Donnington in August, Snetterton in September, and Cadwell Park in early October. We're all very keen to get numbers up on the grid, and you'll find a lot of support of every kind to help you on your way!
This sounds like a great idea. I would definitely be interested. I don't know how to strip an engine or replace a clutch, but I can tension a chain, check tyres pressures etc. I see you may be losing your team. Could I help you? We live quite close to each other too which may help.
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