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Old 09-07-2006, 08:56 AM   #3
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Stonehouse, Glos
Bike: Multiple Monsters
Posts: 2,080
Race 2 is 5pm, and Lin informs me that as the meeting is running late the race has been cut from 8 laps to 5. Back on my 35th grid spot again, I focus on Lucie three rows and 12 grid places ahead, she’s easy to spot cos she’s got fluorescent yellow flashes on her arse. I’m also keen to get ahead of Bones, CK and AK’s rider, he finished well in race one with a best of 2.11.24, 25th finish and a grid spot of 21 so I’m not very confident of getting him though, I could always gain on him in the past but he’s shown a huge improvement as the season has progressed, and of course I’ve only got 5 laps! Lights go out, same start technique, feel the back wheel spinning up as I launch forward, another good start. This time a small gap of a bike length opens up on my right and I’m able to move across to the inside, keeping the throttle pinned to the stop. Brake into turn one, straight back to full throttle, this time I’m on a mission!!! I go a little carefully on lap 1 cos the tyres are still not up to temperature, then put the hammer down. I brake later and later, turn in faster and carry more speed through than I would have ever believed possible before, the knees are down every corner now, and it’s really working, I start picking off bikes in ones and occasionally even twos, moving up the field reasonably well. End of lap 3 I see Bones up ahead, brake late and the higher corner speed launches me past him, he is surprised to see me I think and has a go back but I hold him off and he disappears behind me. I can see Lucie four bikes ahead now, I work my way through, three bikes then two, one, I’m right behind her, and past just before the last lap flag is shown. Onwards, there’s a 50 yard gap to the next bike, as I close it down I realise it’s Tonio. Tonio finished 24th in race one and started 19th, and he’s fairly fast, never though I’d see him. He looks back at me, I close at the lap goes on, every time he looks behind I’m closer, twenty yards, ten, five, only two corners to go, I brake late up the inside, get a wheel alongside him, but he sweeps across hard and closes the door aggressively and I have to back off to avoid being taken out. Lose 20 yards. One corner to go, a tight right hander, I brake late and go through as fast as I dare, still a few yards behind and it’s a race to the flag. We’ve got equal power and speed and he’s taken the last corner well, so I just can’t do it, I finish 0.3 seconds behind him, 22nd overall from my 35th place start, 2.11.39 best lap, 73.76mph average speed. Lucie finishes two places and 3.4seconds behind me, Bones 4 places and 4.8 seconds behind me, to say I’m pleased would be an understatement!!! It would have been nice to take Tonio, but that’s as far as I would have gone I reckon, next bike ahead was Skidlids with a 9 second gap and he’s generally much quicker than me. I’m a happy bunny. Placed 10th 583 out of 24 running.
Undress and hand my transponder back, get another signature on my card, pack up and start home. This has probably been my last race on Dessie, I pick up Psychlist’s bike Monica in the week and plan to complete the season on that, but Dessie’s served me well, and what a way to go out! I really feel I’ve turned a corner here, and am looking forward t moving on a bit.

Next race is Donnington, 13th August, hopefully see a few of you there!
Thanks to Slob and Lin for the help and support, it wouldn't be the same without you guys!

Last edited by Zimbo; 13-07-2006 at 07:32 PM..
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