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Old 17-06-2006, 10:34 PM   #2
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Stonehouse, Glos
Bike: Multiple Monsters
Posts: 2,080
Race 1 is late afternoon. We line up on the grid, go round for our warm up lap and line up again, red lights on, off and we’re away. Too much throttle, I feel the rear wheel spinning and I get away not too well, swamped off the line. All safely round the first corner though, it’s mad, no room to move and you’re inches from the bikes around you, all trying to find a way past the bike in front. I make a couple of places back in the first couple of corners, and thing settle down a bit. A 583 is lying on the grass on the inside of Quarry, rider walking away, doesn’t look too happy. Another is runnng along the grass on the outside, rejoins behind me somewhere, that’s two places up then, good. In front is Lucie (Grib) about 50 yards in front, and I concentrate on reeling her in, braking later and later into the chicanes untill the front tyre is squirming under me and I back off a bit. A 620 powers past out of a fast right hander, I soon pass him back on the brakes though and don’t see him again, back to reeling Lucie in, her SS is as fast on the straights and she drives well out of corners, so I can only make up ground on the brakes. A couple of laps later and I’ve closed up, outbrake her into a chicane and pass her, concentrate on the next, but immediately she passes me again out of the nest fast corner. I get her back again at the next chicane, again she passes me back straight away, this continues for the rest of the race, 13 changes of position in 4 laps and 4 on the last lap alone, but I pass the line half a second in front so am v happy! A most enjoyable race though, we both had enormous grins!
Sunday morning, race 2, fairly early and I’m way too chilled. A bike goes down on the sighting lap and spills oil, so we'’e held on the line for ten minutes, finally it'’ cleared and we'’e sent round one more time, and then the lights. A really crap start, must work on those, I'’m mugged off the line and by the time I get going they’ve buggered off and I’m on my own. I can see Lucie ahead, but this time I’ve no chance of catching her, I spend the race with a 100 yard gap to the next bike and a bigger gap behind me (although of course you don’t know that at the time!) so just rode round till the flag, pretty uneventfull really, I wasn’t happy with my performance, crap start and couldn’t get the chicanes right at all. Still, brought it back in one piece, so that’s the main thing! Returned my transponder, got my licence signed, went home.
Oulton Park next month, a more complex circuit so I’ve booked a trackday first! So till then . . . .

Nice photo below, 1st corner!
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