Thread: Insuring My S4R
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Old 25-01-2006, 05:43 PM   #23
A Yerbury
Posts: n/a
sue them until they bleed and their childrens children bleed..

Originally Posted by Pugi
Oh yes...good point. If I cease to study I will drive a lot safer.
Tell me C...what do I have to get the same quote as a 'little old lady'?

Insurance companies in this country are a sad parody of themselves, I cannot understand why there hasn't been an uprising yet. No other country has as insurance companies and as many ads everywhere for them. The market is clearly over exploited and quotes to high. The idea is to share the risk of the cost of an accident...instead the companies make silly money and people are shy to make claims since it'll bring their quote up to unreasonable levels.
very true, on the continent there are less companies and lower policies, the industry in France just seems more...hmmm, grown up?! none of this quote me happy bull****.

I am with Axa...who in this country insure pets I believe? woof etc.

Why would Charlotte "k" know about little old lady policies? she is not that old is she? err are you? old are you?
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